In the beginning was the word, and I know you hear that bird is the word, but that’s just some of that creampuff top 40 bullshit baby. The Word is GOD and God is love, but he shared that love without a glove and squirted a damn messiah all up in Mary’s cherry poppin’ guts.
Jesus fucking Christ, universal martyr of televangelists. Buying private jets for sappy, big eyed motherfuckers. Jets made of spare change poor folk took out of a damn Folger’s can cause they thought they were dropping our boy with the press on nails a little milk money.
Now here we are in a world of misquotes, misconstrued notions, and aborted ideas dead in the womb.
Jesus ain’t coming back, he’s taking a Dad-Damned nap. He’s taking a Holy Crap.
Let’s get dumb. Let’s get stupid. The pastor’s getting gummed down by a toothless whore of babylon for three wadded up dollar bills scraped from the bottom of the collection plate.